Thursday, May 24, 2012

A New Name: Making Connections

(I just realized that this post follows one titled “Not in My Name”. The name theme is purely a coincidence as I’ve been planning to change the name of this blog for quite some time now!)

Like many others, I began a blog to record my travels for family and friends back home. I named this blog “Le Retour in 3 Parts” because I was returning to 3 cities close to my heart — Amsterdam, Paris and Yerevan — in the summer of 2008. Since then, the blog has undergone transformations in style and content to reflect the changes in my life and my purpose for continuing to blog. I am currently living in Armenia, though I have plans to leave the country in the coming months (onto bigger and better things!).

As my fellow blogger colleagues and friends know, I have been meaning to change the name of this blog for well over a year. “Le Retour in 3 Parts” is no longer relevant and reflects neither the content of this blog nor where I am in my life. So I have decided to give the blog a favicon (finally!) and a new name. “Making Connections” might sound vague but I have found it to be what I do in my life and in this blog. I try to connect people and events and make sense of it all. The phrase has multiple meanings for me and seemed to be the best fit for this blog at this stage.

So I hope you’ll stick by as I continue to record the trials and tribulations of this so-called life…

P.S. I would love to change the URL to reflect the new name, but, alas, it is already taken. Any way to go about this? And if I were to change the URL, would links to this blog from other sites be broken? (You’d think that after 3–4 years of blogging I’d know how to answer questions like these!)


  1. You're leaving Armenia? Not good, not good at all.

  2. Yes, at least temporarily. To study abroad.

  3. I don't know you personally, but Armenia doesn't need more people like you to be leaving. I wish you success in your studies, and I hope you return to Armenia in the near future.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Anonymous. I hope to return to Armenia in the near future, as well :)
